Curriculum Summary

  • I have experience leading all aspects of scientific research, program management, and business development.
  • Currently I am the tech advocate of QuEra Computing, where I also manage strategic government relations.
  • I coordinate multi-party research teams at the boundary of academia and industry.
  • I led the design of the first industry-grade course on quantum computing with neutral atoms, with hundreds of trainees.
  • I marketed and developed the user base of the world's first publicly accessible neutral-atom quantum computer.
  • Previously, I directed multi-faculty teams in a major research program at the University of British Columbia.
  • My further professional interests include talent acquisition and retention, and how it impacts organizations.
  • I held postodctoral fellowships at the Institut Quantique (Québec) and Quantum Matter Institute (British Columbia).
  • I have PhD in Physics, obtained from the University of Campinas (Brazil) and UIUC (Illinois).
  • I obtained my BSc in Physics also in Campinas (Brazil), where I graduated at the top of my class.
  • My favorite scientific contributions are predicting material signatures of chiral anomaly phenomena (verified experimentally) and proposing a non-topological mechanism for anyonic qubits.
  • More recently, I am working on applications of quantum computing in simulations, optimization, and machine learning.

If you are interested in more details, reach out on LinkedIn for a formal CV with quantified outcomes of my work.