The bulk of my scientific production revolves around three topics of quantum physics that I approach via quantum field theory, algebraic numerics, and experimental approaches.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing refers to the controlled encoding and manipulation of information in assets that behave under the laws of quantum mechanics. Theoretically, this paradigm of computing provides a pathway to perform certain calculations impossible for regular computers. So far, however, these promises require quantum computing hardware beyond current-day technology. With the high costs to advance such hardware, establishing the feasibility of near-term applications is imperative to justify continued advances. My contribution to this field thus focuses on direct and concentrated experimentation with established quantum hardware, sacrificing deterministic advantages in favor of heuristic algorithms, and exploring directions in the major areas of quantum simulations, optimization, and machine learning.

Quasiparticle fractionalization

Through strong interactions, quantum matter can undergo quasiparticle fractionalization, effectively separating intrinsic degrees of freedom like the spin and charge of an electron. This phenomenon, often intertwined with topological effects, manifests in limited dimensions or in the presence of material defects such as boundaries, or atomic disclinations and dislocations. The resulting particles, known as anyons, exhibit properties that span a continuum between familiar fermions and bosons. This departure from nature’s conventional elementary particles not only serves as a fascinating deviation but also holds practical value for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Check out my research on qubit architectures with Fibonacci anyons in Kondo systems for more on that!

Symmetry emergence

In the realm of phase transitions, systems at low energies are expected to emmergently exhibit reduced symmetries, as when fluids freeze into crystalline structures. When topology is at play, the classification of certain phases with no difference in symmetries is also possible. A less explored possibility is the emergence of higher symmetries in systems at low energies. While this phenomenon is sporadically discussed in the literature on a case-by-case basis, my research delves into systematically analyzing mechanisms that broadly induce ‘symmetry emergence’ across physical systems. I design these mechanisms from the bottom-up via structures that combine degrees of freedom and restrict perturbations, or uncover them from the top-down scrutinizing cases of unexpected symmetry emergence.


Large-scale quantum reservoir learning with an analog quantum computer

M. Kornjaca, ..., PLSL, ..., S. Wang


Long-lived oscillations of false and true vacuum states in neutral atom systems

S. Darbha, M. Kornjaca, F. Liu, J. Balewski, M. Hirsbrunner, PLSL, S. Wang, R. Beeumen, D. Camps, K. Klymko


False vacuum decay and nucleation dynamics in neutral atom systems

S. Darbha, M. Kornjaca, F. Liu, J. Balewski, M. Hirsbrunner, PLSL, S. Wang, R. Beeumen, D. Camps, K. Klymko


Engineering quantum states with neutral atoms

J. Balewski, M. Kornjaca, K. Klymko, S. Darbha, M. Hirsbrunner, PLSL , F. Liu, D. Camps


G2 integrable point characterization via isotropic spin-3 chains

C. Li, V. L. Quito, D. Schuricht, and PLSL

arXiv PRB

Industry applications of neutral-atom quantum computing solving independent set problems

J. Wurtz, PLSL, C. Gorgulla, N. Gemelke, A. Keesling, and S. Wang


The case of SU(3) criticality in spin-2 chains

C. Li, V. L. Quito, E. Miranda, R., I. Affleck, and PLSL

arXiv PRB

Multi-impurity chiral Kondo model: Correlation functions and anyon fusion rules

D. Gabay, C. Han, PLSL, I. Affleck, and E. Sela

arXiv PRB

Topological Josephson Bifurcation Amplifier: Semiclassical theory

S. Boutin, PLSL, A. Mu, U. C. Mendes, I. Garate

arXiv J. Appl. Phys.

Educational Resources for Promoting Talent in Quantum Computing

P. Pashaei, H. Amiri, R. Haenel,PLSL, and L .Chrostowski


Electromagnetic response of superconductors in the presence of multiple collective modes

R. Boyack and PLSL

arXiv PRB

Anyons in multichannel Kondo systems

PLSL, I. Affleck, and E. Sela

arXiv PRB

Emergent SU(N) symmetry in disordered SO(N) spin chains

V. L. Quito, PLSL, J. A. Hoyos, and E. Miranda

arXiv Eur. Phys. J.

Effect of Zeeman coupling on the Majorana vortex modes in iron-based topological superconductors

A. Ghazaryan, PLSL, P. Hosur, M. J. Gilbert, and P. Ghaemi

arXiv PRB Rapid Comm.

Highly-symmetric random one-dimensional spin models

V. L. Quito, PLSL, J. A. Hoyos, and E. Miranda

arXiv PRB

A non-Abelian twist to integer quantum Hall states

PLSL, V. L. Quito, B. Han, and J. C. Y. Teo

arXiv PRB

Influence of Landau levels on the phonon dispersion of Weyl semimetals

P. Rinkel, PLSL, and I. Garate

arXiv PRB

Microwave signatures of ℤ2 and ℤ4 fractional Josephson effects

PLSL, S. Boutin, P. Karan, U. C. Mendes, and I. Garate

arXiv PRB

Signatures of the chiral anomaly in phonon dynamics

P. Rinkel, PLSL, and Ion Garate

arXiv PRL

Topological strings linking with quasiparticle exchange in superconducting Dirac semimetals

PLSL, J. C. Y. Teo, and S. Ryu

arXiv PRB

Competing adiabatic Thouless pumps in enlarged parameter spaces

PLSL, P. Ghaemi, S. Ryu, and T. L. Hughes

arXiv PRB

Holographic Entanglement Renormalization of Topological Insulators

X. Wen, G. Y. Cho, PLSL, Y. Gu, X.-L. Qi, and S. Ryu

arXiv PRB

Effective action and electromagnetic response of topological superconductors and Majorana-mass Weyl fermions

M. Stone and PLSL

arXiv PRB

Magnification of signatures of topological phase transition by quantum zero point motion

PLSL and A. Ghaemi

arXiv PRB

Effective response theory for zero energy Majorana bound states in three spatial dimensions

PLSL, J. C. Y. Teo, and S. Ryu

arXiv PRB

Majorana Fermions Signatures in Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling

PLSL, V. Shivamoggi, A. O. Caldeira


Chiral filtering in graphene with coupled valleys

PLSL, A. H. Castro Neto, and A. O. Caldeira

arXiv PRB