Welcome to my professional website and blog!

I am a physicist, educator, and an architect and manager of R&D organizations. I am currently employed at QuEra Computing. On this page you can learn about my professional activities, academic and otherwise, as well as a bit about my personal interests which include Irish and Japanese oral traditions.

Also, don't miss the blogging section!
Browse it for news and discussions on physics, scientific management, entrepreneurship, and leadership. I may also not resist the eventual tidbit on sustainable lifestyles.

Recent posts

Words of Wisdom #1

2 minute read

Starting a new blog series at Set Physics to Stun! While most of my posts are based on my own experience, observations, or creations in science and scientifi...

Assessing PhD Assessments

3 minute read

A (total!) eclipse, travel, and hackathons have slowed down my blogging. That together with, for the first time, being asked to do the technical review of a ...

We are finally starting!

2 minute read

This is it, I can’t believe I am finally starting this! Welcome to “Set Physics to Stun”, my blog on physics, scientific management, and other topics relevan...